Thursday, 3 October 2013

10 Strategic Ways To Maximize Your Profits

Here's today's feature article:

10 Strategic Ways To Maximize Your Profits

Copyright © Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy

1. Tell people the point or focus of your web site.

Explain to them what things they can do or which goals they can accomplish while visiting 
your site.

2. Make your visitors feel comfortable at your web site. 
Give them your main business address, your visitors may not trust you if you're using a 
P.O. box.

3. Include a FAQ on your web site or via e-mail on an autoresponder. 
This will give your customers an extra convenience without having to contact you.

4. Buy advertising space on discussion board web sites. 
They are usually arranged by subject; that makes them highly targeted.

5. Start a free e-mail newsletter to create your own opt in list. 
Create a title that grabs readers attention. Submit it to free e-zine directories on 
the internet.

6. Record all your new promotion ideas into an idea journal, good or bad. 
Sometimes you can combine ideas to create new ones to increase your sales.

7. Convert your web site and free e-mail newsletter into different 
This will increase your over-all target market.

8. Make your classified ads stand out in a crowd.

Use all capitol letters in the headline, divide letters with extra spaces, add in 
text symbols, etc.

9. Remember your customer is always right, even if they are not. 
Resolve all conflicts quickly and painlessly. They are the lifeblood of your 

10. Create a bond with your visitors by bringing up likes or dislikes 
you have in common with them in your ad copy. 
Just make sure you do your research.

About the Author:


"I Was A Washed Up Restaurant Worker Desperately Searching For A 
Way To Save My

Family When I Discovered The Internet And Affiliate Marketing... 24 Months 
Later I Finally

Cracked The Code And Started Earning Over $10,000.00 Per Month... Now 
The Same

System That Saved Me Is Available To You!" Visit:


* You have permission to re-print this article on your own website, newsletter 
or blog as long as you leave it intact including the full text and "About the Author" 
box. Thanks!

Quote of the Day:

"There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off." -- 
Proverbs 23:18

Thank you for being a valued subscriber Akoli!


P.S. You get everything you need under one roof! Your own site, your own 
ezine, your own autoresponder, ad tracker, a proven mentoring program, tons 
of support, REAL products people want and more! Sound good? It is! And it 
can be yours starting today simply by following the 3 easy steps outlined here:

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