Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Totally Tweetable Send Your Message to Thousands

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That Turns Thousands Of Twitter Accounts
Into Your Personal ATM Machine FOR FREE..."

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If you are trying to make money online and marketing anything from business opportunities, to products, cpa offers or affiliate programs... 

You must get your message out to not only to more people -

So seize the opportunity to tap into a marketing method that will give you more possibilities for exposure than you ever imagined.

Get your message out to hundreds and even thousands of interested people at the click of a button. 

Explode everything you know about marketing online


  With inboxes filling up -- and traditional methods of getting exposure
becoming less and less popular because:

·         Too many emails

·         click through rates always dropping off

·         messages not getting through

·         subject line marketing (good ones DO get through)

·         JV partners (guys that already have huge lists and being able to market YOUR proposal to THEIR lists)

·         List Swaps

·         list swaps for non JV partners

·         Facebook follower swaps (that got a few chuckles as we imagined your Mum, sister and school friends getting all our marketing stuff coming at them)

·         Twitter follower swaps

·         Might work... they are typically in the same or interested markets...

·         BANG - hang on a second.... what if we could do that?

 .... something else was needed.
Something that you can email it and post on blogs and facebook etc.... since the social media networks have made the concept of Sharing things you were interested in a natural part of our daily community.
 The idea is beautiful.

Someone you are connected to receives a piece of information from you and when they SHARED it and the cycle continues and grows.
 That is what the term GOING VIRAL refers to.
For anything to 'Go Viral'... all it takes is one person to share it with their group... Who share it with their group... and so on.

The effect can be phenomenal.


Now the door is open to a WHOLE new era of viral marketing.
Totally Tweetable can make your marketing go viral by incentivising people to tweet your messages for you.


200 people that will receive your message and have an incentive to tweet it out to their followers for you.

So then.... Lets review what you get 100% totally for FREE

And it really is that easy.

 Your mail goes out to hundreds.....
 They tweet it out to THOUSANDS.
And all the tweets point back to YOUR marketing messages.
Pretty cool huh?

This is a social media evolution.

It is your marketing. Your messages.
If you are ready to join the social media evolution and get your message in front of more people, more often....

If you are ready to get started to better marketing.
Click to join now.

Click here to TotallyTweetable.com

Join now

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The Rapid African Plan To Liberation/ African American & Ghanaian Owned ...