To be wealthy and successful you need to roll out a strategy, a
plan, a line of attack based on what you know and are learning now to take you
to your destination.
Don’t live life by accident. Don’t be a person without direction. Follow
a strategy and update it when necessary so as to make it.
So, in two stages, let us set up a strategy, based on all the 48 Laws
here to be your template or guide.
The first is understanding exactly where you are now:
1. Know how much you earn.
The crux of this is that don’t spend more than you earn. Obvious?
Not when people live beyond their means as if they were earning more than they
actually are!
2. Know really exactly how
much you spend.
Determine precisely how much you must spend on every area of your
life. It is this lack of planning which make people overspend. Include
unforeseen expenses in your budget and keep it in a separate account. And
always pay off your debts first.
3. Know your attitude to
How much money can you comfortably ‘risk’ or speculate in your
investment strategy?
4. Know your potential
avenues to earn.
How many different ways can you think of to earn income, especially
passive income?
5. Cash flow and capital
Your cash flow will come from a salary or a dividend certain
businesses, careers and investments will bring you. But assets such as property
will give you capital growth. Both must be part of your strategy for great
The second step of your wealth strategy is to set it.
Make it a goal that you can review. As your income increases, raise
the last three columns above but not column 2.
Be disciplined [Law 9] and stick to this template and it will give
you durable wealth. Don’t hesitate to adjust the figures as necessary based on
monthly income:
Earned income: £1,500 [after tax and N.I.] Total living allowance
[spend including living, debt and contingency]: £975 [65%] Tithing [giving
back]: £75 [5%] Total saved and never touched: £150 [10%] Total invested: £300
Attitude to risk: 20% [total invested]. Although fairly safe, you
can invest more if you are young, ambitious, and single. But if you are a little
older and need stability, have children and commitments then add more of your
earnings to your ‘total saved’ column.
Now decide where to donate your tithing, what high interest account
to deposit your 10% in and what to invest your 20% in.
If you want to invest in property—recommended—hold your investment
until it becomes large enough for that.
Perhaps you want to invest 50% in shares and 50% in property of your
total invested in the first year? Perhaps 33% in a business, property and
shares? Develop your strategy as the years and wealth increase. Don’t change it
at will. Give it the opportunity to work!
Review your strategy and your finances each year. Open and update it
and do a financial check-up to see where you are [Law 42]. Compare this year’s
strategy to last year’s to ensure you are making progress in the right
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