Monday 1 July 2013

Blog to do Business

Part two: Blog to do business with contextual ads companies

The other day we saw how to blog to do business with companies selling physical and digital products. Today we are going to see how a blogger can earn money from the internet with companies offering contextual ads.

What is a contextual advertising?
Contextual advertising is a targeted advertising on websites or on other media (e.g. mobile browsers) which displays ads related to the topic of the site being visited, a page being viewed or a search query entered. For example, a web page about making money on the internet will attract advertisers dealing in affiliate marketing, paid surveys, etc.

How does contextual advertising work?

A contextual advertising system scans the text of a website for keywords and beams advertisements to it related to those keywords. A visitor may see the contextual advertising (also called “In-Text” advertising or “In-Context” technology) right on the webpage or as a pop-up ad. For example, if the user is viewing a website about making money from home and that website features contextual advertising, the user may see advertisements for giving one’s opinion and getting paid for that.

Since contextual advertising usually works as “Pay per Click,” the publisher earns money on the internet only when a visitor clicks on the ad. Should the visitor not do so in what is called “a go through time” (a minimum time for a visitor to click on an ad), the ad is automatically changed to next relevant one displaying the option of going back to the former ad.

Who benefit from it?
With the contextual advertising company serving as an intermediary between publishers and advertisers, contextual advertising enables a web publisher (e.g. a blog) to monetize their sites and gain money online and advertisers to have access to web sites for their advertisement and thus popularize their offers, increase their visibility and augment their sales.

How much can you make from contextual ads?

Clicks can make a blog owner earn from .03 cents per click to $10 per click online. Some websites are experiencing an average of about .30 cents with BidVertiser, and .50 cents with Google Adsense.


Let’s take a blog getting 1,000 visitors per day; if only 10% of those visitors click on the contextual ad links, that would bring in $50 - $100 per day. Imagine the earning potential of the blogs getting more than 50,000 clicks per day.  

Contextual advertising service providers

Google AdSense was the first major contextual advertising network. Then Yahoo! Publisher Network, Microsoft AdCenter,, Sponsored Listings (formerly Quigo) and others came up with similar offerings. The rest are AdBrite, AdGenta, Bidvertiser, CBprosense,  Chitika (pronounced CHIH-tih-ka), Clicksor, Kanoodle BrightAds, Marchex Adhere for Publishers,, and Vibrant Media. 


Positive: Being more targeted advertisements, contextual ads are often clicked. This has enabled website owners and advertisers to gain money on the internet. For example, a big chunk of Google's earnings comes from its share of the contextual advertisements viewed on the millions of webpages on which the AdSense program is embedded.

Now that you know how much money you can win online with contextual ads, you want to put them on your blog. Good. So check back tomorrow for details on each and links to sign up for them.

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